Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Here, Have a Blanket

Expect buildings in Korea to get colder for the rest of the winter.

From what I understand, Korea is shutting down a nuclear power plant or has shut one down. I'm not exactly sure - the details in English from a colleague were a bit fuzzy. However, I found an article from November that may shed some light on the situation.

As is such, the government is encouraging businesses to lower the thermostats to lessen the demand for energy. Samsung is going to do its part by lowering the heat in buildings in the complex. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've already heard me whine about how cold the building my team got moved to already is - we'll popsicles if it gets any colder at work.

But, never fear, Samsung is thinking of its employees and has provided us all with blankets.
In its very own monogrammed bag

Plain blue blanket, but it is soft

So, for all of my friends in Korea who don't have employers that care enough to give them blankets to keep warm, I am sorry: I guess you all will be freezing your asses off while wearing your winter coats inside until the power issues get sorted out.